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GAK only wants Czinege for free

Zdroj: Šport, (bt+mh)

Juraj Czinege, the 25 years old midfielder, cannot be sure about his future. After withdrawing from the contract with Inter Bratislava for not receiving money the club owes him he went to Austria, GAK Graz. He has not played in a single match for the Austrian team. He simply can´t as he didn´t receive clearance from the Slovak Football Association. SFZ decided that the contract between Inter Bratislava and this player is still valid. This whole subject has been submitted to the FIFA which have not yet decided on whether the contract is or is not valid. After the Austrian club´s reaction this case turned out to be even more complicated. To give you more perspective on the issue, Graz manager Gunther Koshak supposidly revealed that both, the player and his manager Venglos have lied about the validity of this contract. As a result they have put Czinege off their squad list and are now looking for another player.

This morning we should finally see the solution as the player himself together with his two managers Juraj Venglos and Jozef Tokos will meet the SFZ officials. The breaking point of this whole story is the fact that the club has agreed on the money it owes the player, yet does not consider this to be a reasonable point for Czinege to withdraw from the contract. The main subject of today´s meeting will be the relationship between the player and the club from the SFZ´s point of view. They will either inform about the contract being valid or they will find Czinege´s reason well-founded and give him the clearance.

Last night we were able to reach GAK manager Gunther Koshak, whose standpoint was very simple:“We are waiting for the SFZ to decide whether Czinege was right. If this is the case, the he will definitely be our player. Otherwise we will have to look for someone else as as we considered him to be a free player. As long as we have to pay for this player, we are not interested.“