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Hamsik has remained so far. It is unusual, expert says

Zdroj: Pravda, Michal Zeman

SSC Napoli stopped the transfer of its captain (Marek Hamsik) on Wednesday in the evening.  The club´s twitter said the reason was different opinions on the transfer payment for the Slovak national team player. According to the Italian media, both parties allegedly agreed on the transfer amount 18 million euro (plus additional 2 million as bonuses). However, at present the Chinese prefer a half year loan plus a buying option, while Napoli insists on the straight transfer.  „It is normal that the parties disagree in the transfer process, but this situation is unusual. The information on the alleged  deal done leaked. Now the transfer is not confirmed.“ said the sports lawyer and intermediary Jozef Tokos. „I have no knowledge of the circumstances, that its why I do not want to speculate. In general, there are many possibilities how an agreement can be reached. Each club can propose the similar procedure with a 6 months lasting option like the Chinese club did., but it is rather unusual when the transferred player is on that level, when he is a club´s star and a key player of his national team. The buying option is mostly used when a player is young, less known, possibly when he is to prove his quality after, say, a long lasting injury. This transfer is not that case. There might be other reasons not directly linked to the player or the sports quality, mostly financial.“ Hamsik nor his representative or his background have not commented on the transfer so far. Tokoš considers that as the right standpoint. „A transfer to China on that level is unique for us (Slovaks). The reserved attituted by his intermediary was understandable. I also keep this principle and inform on my transfers after the deal is concluded.“

(...) (After the club informed first on Hamsik´s transfer) it is surprising that there was not a final agreement reached between the clubs. The information leaked early. „There were transfer complications. The information should really not be  released so early since it is a high level transfer and Napoli is involved. The tactics when negotiating is quite different point. It happens in sports business that a piece information is released by a clear intention, but the procedure should have been different in Hamsik´s case. He is not nobody, not only in Napoli. The club should have acted in a different way. I believe that soon the whole transfer is finalised at the benefit of  Marek and the Slovak national team,“ added Tokos.