The Prime Minister and Slovak sport - effort to development

Zdroj: SITA

The Prime Minister Mikulas Dzurinda ran round more than 100 kilometers during his preparatory training for the Sunday’s run Devin-Bratislava. He expressed satisfaction with his runtime 57:57 and he is already thinking about spring marathon race. “I have to choose between Trnava and Kosice, one of these I will definitely participate in,” stated the man who has the best marathon-runtime among all sitting prime ministers.

Lately he pores upon the sport system, especially its activities’ support. From this reason, right after he has finished the Sunday’s run, he invited journalists to a meeting where he explained his vision about sport in Slovakia. The Prime Minister’s main advisor in this area is the sport’s lawyer and licensed manager of FIFA and UEFA at the same time Jozef Tokos.

“ We intend to do systematic steps in all areas of sport. Beginning with state representation, support of young talented people up to gymnasiums and sports facilities in schools.

The group of consultants headed by Jozef Tokos is working on initial solutions, talking to sport association’s leaders and other personalities. We are seeking partners who are interested in sport, though sport as the whole. We resist partial solutions. Contemporary young generation tend to inactivity which we want to avoid. I would like to integrate my vision as well as the solutions of the consultants into the Sport Act, which is currently being prepared. According to the agreement with Minister Fronc we should manage it before the interdepartmental process of comments. In the spring the draft bill should appear in the Parliament. In the second half of the year we plan to organize a consultation where wide spectrum could express their opinions.

However I’m in favour of support for the sportsmen, it has to be done reasonably; there is not enough money for all. I lay stress on the youngsters. Financing of sport of the public sources could be higher, more efficient and better controlled in the future. At the same time we have to persuade private sector that their contributions will be paid back,” described some of his visions the Prime Minister. There is still no clear conception about institutions that should manage the Slovak sport.

“First we have to enforce ideas and philosophy. I will not resist the foundation of the Ministry of Sport if necessary,“ stated M. Dzurinda.