Only FIFA can resolve the "Czinege case"

Zdroj: Nový čas, (duc)

Slovakia national player on the melting point

Juraj Czinege´s football case has been discussed in the media a lot recently. The player has gone to Austrian GAK Graz without “permission”.

Czinege and his managers insist on the fact that officials from Inter Bratislava have not fulfilled their duties stated in the contract while their opinion is much different. They owe the player 300 000 Slovak crowns.

Few days ago SFZ passed this case to FIFA, who still keep the decision as a secret. Czinege´s managers Juraj Venglos and Jozef Tokos have visited SFZ in order to discuss the case with SFZ officials. Despite the fact that the Slovak league commission director Vladimir Wanke refused to confirm a meeting, both sides have met in the offices of SFZ. No end was reached at the meeting so the whole case will again be discussed by FIFA soon.